Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Oh, "master"!

前幾天聽了一個四十一歲的英國建築「大師」的演講。There is no problem that this architect is highly talented. However, why do we call him "master"?  Is it because otherwise there won't be 4,000 people turning up there?


  1. Speaking of 'masters', a number of art historians in the west have become aware of the problem associated with the use (or over use) of the word in the field. Some feel it's time to revisit the meaning of 'master' (Meister) and 'masterwork' (Meisterstück), and how useful (or useless) these words are for our study of art history. I am beginning to wonder if this may be a good model to reassess the history and historiography of Chinese art. Happy Easter, HM

  2. In the context of Taiwan, it is just a way of promotion. Probably the truth is that all masters are dead.
