Saturday, 23 August 2014

"Minimal and extravagant" at the same time...

How to achieve to be minimal and extravagant at the same time?
I was so taken by the perfect co-existence of the two elements when they were represented by Katrin Brack. Then I suddenly found the secret of it when in the toilet where I often had other eurekas.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

A thank-you note


Thursday, 14 August 2014

How can I help?

I can help only when I know what your authorities want you to be/become.
I can help only when I know your authorities do not know how you should be, and then I come up with something that I think will help you grow.
I can help only when I put my ego aside and have you as my concern/main interest.
I come help not because I want to demonstrate I know so much more/better than you, but I want to help you grow stronger and better.



作品原創的成本太高,不適合台灣的發展,或説幾乎極少仍能夠存在台灣。但是台灣可以發展那種高明有技巧的抄:改寫/改設計。例如改一點點歐美high street的設計。這個需要的時間比較少,而且有版權灰色地帶,對吧?更不要說是舉證困難、甚至可能沒有人會注意到的博物館活動(展示設計等等)。


Monday, 11 August 2014


我記得小時候,你早熟我很多。高中時,你寫了「識字憂患始」,我嚇了一跳。人,最終面對的,是自己內心的平靜,似乎 沒有其他的了。就像那個傳說是楊絳寫的、所謂「內心的風景」。 謝謝

Sunday, 10 August 2014

collective memory

If we use a person as the subject, by adding the temporal/time perspective, then history becomes the word of memory. Memory is a personal and romantic idea, it is more attractive than history. When the idea of collective is addded to memory, the unification becomes even more powerful.

Thursday, 7 August 2014


數年前,我聽了一個拿了很多政府補助款的色彩研究室的介紹,其中創了特殊的色彩名稱。當時,我知道 this is not going to last long despite the project seemed really attractive。所有的規範/理念/模型,關起門來做高興的,自稱是什麼什麼多偉大多厲害的,都無效。


Tuesday, 5 August 2014

At the end of the day, that's what I told her
